Decorated Vet Faces Arson Charges

A military veteran has been arrested for attempted arson at the birth home of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. on Thursday evening. Laneisha Shantrice Henderson, a decorated veteran of the U.S. Navy, was apprehended by tourists and off-duty NYPD officers after pouring flammable liquid around the historic wooden property at around 5:45 p.m.

The shocking incident was captured on video by one of the tourists, Zachary Eugene Kempf, who was visiting the house from Utah. The footage shows Henderson dressed in all-black clothing, dousing plants and emptying the liquid against the windows of the Auburn Avenue house. She was stopped by Kempf and another tourist, who noticed her actions and intervened.

The two off-duty NYPD officers, who were also visiting the birth home, quickly sprang into action and held Henderson down until Atlanta police arrived on the scene. She was arrested and charged with attempted arson and interfering with government property.

Battalion Chief Jerry DeBerry of the Atlanta Fire Department commended the quick thinking of the witnesses, stating, “If the witnesses hadn’t been here and interrupted what she was doing, I mean, it could have been a matter of seconds before the house was engulfed in flames. It was really about the timing and the witness being in the right place at the right time.”

The birth home, located just blocks away from the King Center, King National Historical Park, and the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church, is currently undergoing renovations and is closed to visitors until 2025. The home, a framed two-story Queen Anne-style structure, was built in 1895 and played a vital role in commemorating the early life of Martin Luther King Jr. and his siblings.

Henderson, 26, is a decorated veteran surface warfare specialist who received multiple awards during her service in the Navy. She was awarded a national defense service medal and good conduct medal, among others. It is unclear at this time what may have motivated her to attempt arson at the birth home of such a revered figure in American history.

The video footage of Henderson’s actions has been widely shared on social media, sparking outrage and shock among the public. Many have expressed their gratitude to the witnesses and officers who were able to apprehend Henderson before she caused any damage to the historic property.

The Atlanta Fire Department has confirmed that the incident was successfully mitigated and there was no damage to the birth home. Henderson is currently in police custody and is expected to face charges for her actions.

This attempted arson has raised concerns about the safety and security of the birth home and other historical landmarks, underscoring the need for increased vigilance and protection. The Martin Luther King Jr. National Historical Park released a statement thanking everyone involved in preventing this potential disaster.

The birth home will remain closed until further notice, as authorities investigate the incident and ensure the safety of the property. The arrest of a military veteran in connection with the attempted arson has also sparked discussions about the mental health and well-being of our veterans and the support they may need after serving their country.

The Martin Luther King Jr. National Historical Park will continue to honor the legacy of the civil rights leader and his family, and ensure that the birth home remains a symbol of hope and perseverance for future generations.

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